Increasing the quality of our buildings, respecting Nature using materials with low environmental impact and thinking about users to achieve maximum comfort, well-being and health have been goals that have led us to opt for earth-based construction solutions. This construction, which we will now address, has also been an opportunity to use the earth as a supporting material, both in the vertical and horizontal facings, using mostly BTC (compressed earth block), material chosen for its qualities and perfectly valid for compression work on domes and walls.
But in addition to the many advantages, these technologies and materials also leave their mark on users’ perceptions, as in the words of the educators, the sensations inside the building are very positive. There is a general resentment of well-being, peace and silence expressed by the people of varied nature who visit the building. So there is evidence that it is an architecture to be felt and visited, not to be photographed, and designed in harmony with nature for the benefit of the people who live it.